// ==UserScript==
// @name Fix ADS checkin comments in discussion and history of workitems
-// @version 0.12
+// @version 0.13
// @author Tobias Sachs
// ... in @match replace "ads" with the url of you Azure DevOps Server
// @match https://ads/*
// @description
// ==/UserScript==
+// 0.13: Allow to manually insert changeset comments, which where not associated with the item during checking.
+// Just copy changecomment into the commentsection and prefix with "Associated with changeset CHANGESET_NUMBER:"
// 0.12: also fix "Resolved with changeset" comments
// 0.11: fix regexp for later changesets attached.
// 0.10: #Bugnumber to links, highlight comments for customors in checkins
+ let checkRegex = /^.*(Associated|Resolved).*[:.]/;
let fixCommentContents = (items) => {
if (items === null || items === undefined || items.length === 0) {
let el = items[i];
let html = el.innerHTML;
- if (html.startsWith("Associated") || html.startsWith("Resolved")) {
+ if (checkRegex.test(el.textContext)) {
html = html.replace(/((Associated|Resolved) with changeset )(\d*)([:.])/,
"<b>$1<a href='/HeBa/Entwicklung/_versionControl/changeset/$3'>$3</a></b>$4<br />");
html = html.replace(/#(\d+)/g, "<a href='/HeBa/Entwicklung/_versionControl/changeset/$1'>#$1</a>");